How a business plan will help you, in more ways than you think!

Starting a business without a plan is like setting sail without a compass. While you might eventually reach your destination, the journey will likely be longer and more challenging. A well-constructed business plan is essential for guiding your business towards success.  Here’s why: It Clarifies Your Vision A business plan helps you articulate the vision for your enterprise. It forces you to think through every aspect of your business, including…  Read more

Small business savvy: tips for managing your business finances

When you run your small business, you have a lot on your plate. That makes it tempting to let some tasks slide, especially tasks that are related to finances, which can be challenging and often outside your preferred skill set or experience. Here are some financial best practices for managing your business, so you can have the best chances of success. Pay yourself As a small business owner you may…  Read more

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